As we grow and learn more about the fashion industry environmental impact, our aim is to be a conscious lifestyle brand that practices sustainable production.
So since emerging in 2018, it's been hard to carry the narrative of fashion design practices destroying the environment and making clothes that have the classic, durability, chic, aspects of design with out compromise.
For the past 3 years BCD Planet has been working hard to not become another "fast fashion" label. We aim to provide information to the consumer about quality garments and sustainability in fashion.
Currently we use surplus or vintage fabrics to create our one of a kind day time or cocktail looks. We create opportunities to learn about up-cycling to combine or re-purpose your wardrobe, how to dispose of unwanted clothes, and garment restoration services.
Road To Sustainability
Belania was inspired to create the "Road To Sustainability" collection because she did not see any other black women fashion designers making an effort to create consciously and maintain classic, durable, chic aspects of design. This work will stand as a landmark collection to promote sustainability in fashion. We will use recycled/natural fabrics, classic chic durable styles to live in your wardrobe through all seasons, and create all garments with purpose driven functionality. We will manufacture styles during the spring and autumn seasons to minimize our carbon foot print. The BCD Studio is a realtime digital space that gives the people transparent access to the designer and has paid premium live online classes to learn design techniques.
In the future we want to be a fully zero waste clothing company, meaning we re-purpose all of our waste into modern home goods, create in house fabrics, and donate what we can not use. Also we want to be one of the first clothing bands that feature a recycle symbol on our labels so we keep our promise to always promote sustainability in fashion.